2025 Hybrid Training
A unique methodology
in Systemic Multidimensional evolution
Next training begins May 3rd 2025.
Training for therapists and changemakers who are fiercely devoted to assisting the systems they influence.
Are you ready to partner with forces
that change lives?
- You feel your unique gift isn't fully expressed yet
– you love the work you’re doing, but you want to reach way more people and have the most impact possible. - You don't always know what to do next with your clients
– you intuitively know you could help them faster and more effectively, but you're not sure how. You may be unsure about taking on certain clients, worried that you're not equipped to help them...or that you may even cause more harm than good. - You or your clients are experiencing mystery symptoms
– like fogginess, dread, heaviness, anxiety, blurred vision, seeing things, or not feeling like yourself. - You miss the focus you originally had
– you thought your practice would energize you and SHINE. But the world has CHANGED. You're dragging your feet or are experiencing burnout.
You may have extensive training and years of experience.
But that training and experience loses impact if you don't know how to address the gaps.
I have tracked the patterns of tens of thousands of alternative practitioners, health care providers and therapists around the world.
I have seen the most common and universal blind spots that even advanced trainings don’t cover.
participant STORIES
"Since meeting this remarkable healer and teacher, life for me will never be the same. Over the past 15 years of intensive advanced study I paid thousands of dollars and have not even come close to the insights I gained in six months of work with Emily. I studied with many well known practitioners but they could not guide me to a deeper understanding on the nature of healing. Emily’s loving acceptance, deeply intuitive nature, and unique combination of skills guided me through profound levels of self awareness and discovery. For any practitioner wishing to deepen their own practice I highly recommend the Emily's training. As a result my clients are also gaining deeper insights into their own healing processes and no longer return with the same issue.”
Margarita Burke
Energy Healing Practitioner, NY
"After 38 years of spiritual teachings, energy healing trainings and working therapeutically with youth, I thought, “I’ve got this!” However, as my practice evolved I felt frozen. This is when colleagues of mine recommended Emily. The moment I experienced her compelling words I felt a deep trust and willingness to explore my unknown fears. Emily’s Training gently and lovingly brought me deeper and deeper into the vast, multidimensional sea of life to discover the buried treasure of ability I always had but wasn’t able to access. Whether you are working in the healing field or not, I strongly recommend the training and supportive community Emily offers. It will surely support your discovery of the inherent treasure of healing and wholeness within.”
Sandra Mackey
Wisdom Communication Facilitator, NY
More Participant Descriptions
If you don't always know what to do next with your clients...
As you expand your focus and do multidimensional work, it can be confusing. Because you're encountering things you've never seen, heard, or felt before. This type of healing work isn't linear or cookie-cutter. It demands you have full agency and access to your Empty Center
You're also carrying transgenerational burdens (not just your own personal traumas). These get directly projected into the field of your client. You may become that client's codependent mother or absentee father (and you have no idea you're doing it).
If you're experiencing unexplained symptoms: blurred eyesight, a wave of dread, burning... it may be caused by what I call Mediumship Illness.
It may also be caused by a Kundalini awakening. As you expand and grow rapidly in your awareness, it often causes all kinds of chaos.
Plus...as you no doubt know...the planet is in a time of intense acceleration and we’re all feeling it. You’re likely here because you're driven to serve during this amazing process.
If you feel like you're missing your one, unique mission on this planet...
Believe me, you have one! But no one has helped you find and truly understand your Essence.
Embodying your life mission gives you the resilience you need to work with strong, multidimensional forces. When you really know who you are and why you’re here, you can orient around that focus and bounce back from life’s challenges.
If you feel like your practice is missing focus or passion...
This often occurs when you're not fully grounded in your true life mission. And the trainings you've taken haven't helped you get clarity around that because typical group trainings can’t address individual needs. Which leaves you in the vulnerable position of not knowing your blind spots and direction. OF COURSE you lack focus! With so much going on with our species and planet we can't focus until we have specific aspects of Self in place.
I am thrilled every time a practitioner finds me before these things happen.
But the reality is – many don't.
The good news is – your Core and Essence are always there and waiting.

- Having an expert on hand at any stage of your practice who can truly see YOU and knows what you really want and how to get there.
- Clearly seeing when your own issues are triggered... and then being able to have an effective response so it has no repercussions for your practice or clients.
- Resolving physical symptoms that are a result of shifts in consciousness and heightened sensitivity.
- Working with your clients and always knowing what to do with confidence in your next steps.
- Gaining access to helping spirits, angels, guides and multidimensional fields that support, protect and nourish you.
- A vibrant community of high-level practitioners for free support, reality checks and Somatic Reclamation sessions. A system of support you can keep for life.
- Clarified boundaries and finding your right relationship to your empathic gifts and mediumship.

VAST Methodology is so effective because it is taught on ALL levels of your being. We know how people learn best.
VaST Has 6 Gates of Consciousness
Gate 1 - Somatic Reclamation: Nervous System Stability
Gate 2 - Somatic Mapping: Individuation From Strategies For Mental Stability
Gate 3 - Trauma to Essence: Leaving The Trauma Field For Emotional Stability
Gate 4 - Spiritist Arts: Multidimensional Revelation for Mediumship, Depossession & Archetypes of the Soul
Gate 5 - Absorption: The Somatics of Essence and Truth For Unified Stability
Gate 6 - Matrifocal Leadership: Guiding The Accelerated Truth - Beyond Patriarchy
VAST includes a hybrid of kinesthetic, visual, auditory, somatic, interpersonal, individual, paired and group learning.
Content is delivered in:
- Video & audio recordings
- Live groups accessible by most time zones
- 1:1 Written dialogue with Emily
- Inner Constellations
- Somatic Maps & Exercises
- Demonstrations
- Dedicated Listening Partners
You are held within a Secure Frame, the Orders of Love, our teaching team and an online cohort.
“I will always remember crying with relief at finally seeing what was at the core of my issue -after decades of searching. I’m already applying this to my work with my clients to get quicker results.”
It is time for you to come into grounded integrity.
Because the world needs you.
Perfect for you if you:
- Have had training or even a long term practice - but feel something is missing.
- Learn well at your own pace, in your own space, as well as the support of other students.
- Want your own personal ally in the sometimes confusing world of healing.
- Are getting burned out, fatigued or unusual symptoms and sensitivities.
- Yearn to master your craft to help far more people.
- Learn best through personal healing and experience.
- Want to bring transpersonal, mediumistic and systemic wisdom into your practice.
- Are done with piecing together trainings and want a VERY SOLID FOUNDATION.
Not a good fit for you if you:
- Prefer extroverted groups for general learning.
- Need or want more training - without the deep dive. Sometimes we actually need healing or therapy but wonder if we can get a training instead. (My 1:1 Absorption Intensive would be better for you).
- Are not willing to get private sessions if personal material comes up that is beyond the scope of the program. I believe mastery and holding big space for clients means doing our personal work thoroughly.
- Want a more superficial, short term exploration. (We go ALL IN).
I believe strongly that every person has a unique and essential mission.
Until we know what that is, we don’t shine as brightly or rest as deeply as we could.
You and your clients can shine brightly.
You can be luminous.