I’m here to help you remember:
You belong and your life is precious.

I’m here to empower your sense of connection so you reclaim your innate ability to heal and free yourself from painful, limiting patterns.
Free of these limiting beliefs, habits and stories – you’ll truly thrive in your work, health, relationships, parenting and family.
When you reconnect, you illuminate yourself, your life and those around you.
That’s why I love my work so much. When you grow, so does everyone around you. Together, our impact is infinite.
My newest VAST Methodology Training™ brings 35 years of teaching groups and 1:1 clients into a laser focused immersion so you can get on with what you do best -serving others.
If you are only getting 1:1 help, you may want to change your approach!
VAST offers a team of expert trainers and teachers, student teachers AND a structured therapeutic community of colleagues for life.
In addition I work 1:1 with you when you need a complete turnaround, or are ready to let go of a lifetime issue.
It is time to bring communal, matrifocal perception to our leadership.
WHAT clients
With over 27 years as an intuitive guide, I have watched healing trends come and go. I know the vital foundational pieces to your successful healing. As you work with me you will find that experience matters greatly when addressing complex human systems and potent universal forces.
I’ve had the unique gift of working with inspiring people in extremely diverse settings, including therapists, educators, master healers, people with chronic health issues, homeless mothers and children, doctors, authors, prisoners, abuse survivors, activists, social change agents, artists, leaders and parents.
I am different from many healers because I won’t just perform an obscure treatment “on you”. Healing doesn’t come from outside of you – ever. It is self generated and remembered. We’ll work together to break it down and I’ll give you simple yet essential tools to stay empowered.
I’m here to help.
Trauma Therapies & Interpersonal Neurobiology
Somatic Therapies & Parts Work
Systemic Constellations & Hellinger Sciencia
Energy Medicine & Bioenergetics
Developmental Interaction & Attachment Adaptation
Transpersonal & Clinical Hypnotherapy

It disturbs me to see people cycling endlessly through workshops and therapies that don’t get to the root of their problems – or who become dependent on a therapist because they can’t embody the solution.
My goals with you are simple:
- find the original cause of your issue (it didn’t start with you)
- complete unresolved grief being passed to you (it’s not your fault)
- hand you the skills you need to stay balanced and thrive (you are so much bigger than your challenge)
PTSD, debilitating chronic illness and intrapsychic phenomena starting in my teens led to a fascination with teachers and healers. I specifically became interested in the teachers who had a tangible effect on the person without doing anything physical. I wanted to know exactly what was going on in their field that enabled that direct transmission of freedom. I’ve since spent my life learning to embody that field so I can support you in the most rapid yet comprehensive way possible. For 17 years I had studied and practiced therapies and mysticism around the world. I was balancing my healing practice, gave trainings, got married and had a baby.
Then, my soul decided it was time to learn even more.
Through a series of unimaginable events, I lost everything I thought was “ mine” … I lost my country, my home and my community. I lost my health, mental functions and ability to communicate. I lost my savings and my dreams. I had non-stop visions, kinesthetic memories and the physical symptoms of experiences that weren’t my own. Over 7 years my life and consciousness realigned. My perception of reality expanded exponentially as I somatically mapped the path from hell to presence. Today I have an amplified relationship to my soul’s luminosity. I know you don’t need just another technique. I offer you my field so you can have the same.
See my professional background here.
Illuminate your brilliance, amplify your knowing
& embody resolution.
Emily Waymire is an internationally recognized teacher and healer with 30 years experience helping women who serve others, whether their family, clients or communities. With a focus on resolving inherited family trauma, she has helped thousands of clients spanning 8 countries- including best-selling authors, filmmakers, change-makers and leaders in the Energy Medicine industry. 65k+ people have watched Emily’s YouTube talk on Family Constellation Work and she’s been featured on RVTV, Empower The Parent, and Aurora West Productions.
Regularly commissioned for creative projects including the book “I Remember Union,” she administers programs for organizations including Columbia University, Mankind Project, Peace Between People, Gender Diversity and the Lama Foundation.
Emily lives in the mountains of Southern Oregon with her 11-year-old child where she offers residential intensives and a Luminosity Mastery program using her unique approaches to healing.