Full Intro to Systemic Constellations

In Audio & Video, Systemic Constellations by Emily Waymire

Your Family is the Template For Your Life.

Bonding is a natural process that creates vital resonance with other members of the family lineage. You are also likely carrying multigenerational burdens for those who have suffered or been excluded. Anxiety, illness, trauma, addiction, birth trauma, depression, broken relationships, and lack of success are often expressions of these past events.

Systemic Constellations make traumatic residue immediately visible and resolvable.

You have a physiological drive to belong that never goes away. And this same drive is what led you to this work. Systemic Constellations are somatic maps that show you the path back to wholeness. This approach recognizes life as a whole, rather than separate traumatic events. By using Systemic Constellations we gain insight into the multigenerational dynamics driving those events. Having the “big picture” gives you full insight, compassion, the ability to complete long held grief and true gratitude for life.

I’ve received a whole lot of grateful feedback about how clarifying and even healing this talk is. Family Constellations can seem very mysterious at the beginning (or even years later). This talk helps break down what we are working with and why. It also includes two very moving constellations by my teacher Bert Hellinger.